
A few days ago James and I jumped on a bus and spent the day in Carmona, a small city about 20 minutes to the east of Sevilla. It was pretty cool. Much smaller than Sevilla, but it had some really nice views, Roman ruins, and interesting little hotels and things to see. So I guess it actually wasn’t that exciting, but I had a good day.

James and I, Carmona. The city is behind the camera.

James and I, Carmona. The city is behind the camera.

In other news, I slept through the orientation for University of Seville. Lucky for me, it was really boring, but they had free food, which was enough to ruin my morning. It’s been an adjustment going from 4 hours each day at the same building to 8 hours M/W with classes.

At any rate, I only have a little bit of time before I leave for class so I’m going to talk about class. Currently, I’m attending six classes which I have to somehow narrow to five. Tough choice. Right now I’m in Fonoligia y Fonetica, Cine Contemporaneo, La historia de esclavitud en latinoamerica, los negocios, escritura creativa, y espana actual y relaciones internacionales. Que lastima! I don’t know which one I will end up dropping, but I have to decide by Monday.

I’m currently sending out postcards to people back home, so if I told you I would and you haven’t sent me your address, make sure you email it to me. I have no idea how long they take to get to the U.S., but it should be there by the time I get home.

Anyway, usually while waiting for dinner, lunch, or food in general I surf the internet for awesome videos. This one made me laugh. I’ll leave you with it. Enjoy.

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