Fun Foodz!

The other night we celebrated Eri’s birthday! She’s a Japanese teacher at my school. We went to an Okinawan restaurant. Okinawa is an island off the southern coast of the main island. It’s tropical. I tell you this because I didn’t know that before I came here. Also because I love you.

We had these fun little appetizers that were little strings of seaweed that looked like super-tiny grapes. They were fun to eat because they pop when you bite them. It’s like eating a big string of those little juicy things you get when you dissect an orange.

Another night we went to an all-you-can-eat-and-drink buffet with a great view of the Nagoya towers. We taught some Japanese people to play king’s cup and we all got drunk. Believe it or not, I took only this terrible shot and it was while I was sober.


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